dc.description.abstract |
In the age of industrial development, lakes, rivers and canals have been exploited to an ever
increasing extent, and dams and weirs for the diversion of river water have been constructed on
flowing waterways for various purposes. Likewise, river intakes have been developed even
further for agriculture and the generation of hydroelectric power. Now, when in the
industrialized countries, particularly in Europe, this development has practically come to an end.
In Albania a very big number of sites for large-scale and small-scale river water intakes are
developing in the field of energy production.
The exploitation of rivers and streams requires thorough planning, irrespective of whether largescale
or small-scale projects are concerned. The ecological aspects, the compatibility of a project
with the environment and the minimization of subsequent damage caused by any measure taken
are important planning criteria. For large-scale and small-scale projects, experienced planning
engineers and experts are normally appointed. In addition to the individual types of intake
structures, the necessary hydraulic and static calculation methods are given and explained. The
prerequisites to be met by the intake structure are different for each river and stream, and
therefore only the basics can be described here. The operativeness of an installation depends
largely upon the planning and, thus, upon the experience of the planning engineer. In just such a
sensitive field as the intervention in a river or stream with a view to tapping water for general
purposes, a great number of criteria are to be considered, and it is these which rare given in this
planning guide. |
en_US |