dc.description.abstract |
Since the period that they started to emerge, cities are formed by the history that the
civilizations take from the past, with the cultural values and the geography that they are in. The
cities, which exist within this development process throughout civilizations, brought along the
structures that are considered to be urban heritage and are occurred within the economic, social,
societal and spatial feature and necessity. This process continues its existence with a lot of
examples throughout the civilization history both in the world and in our country.
There is an important variety between the historical structures that occur in our cities.
Cities with the civil architecture examples and public buildings have a wide range of features
that give them their identity constructions. One of the important structures that occur within this
wide range is the training facilities, which started from the Ottoman Period and continued until
the Republican Period and showed an increase. The education system, which started as
madrassas and mosques in the Ottoman Period and later on turned into high schools and schools,
and its structure are the important urban symbols in our cities.
In this study, the protection and survival of the training facilities, which are historical and
cultural inventories and reflect their periodical features and city identity, will be discussed.
Within this scope, Antalya High School, which is one of the historical training facilities in
Antalya, is taken as a sample. Antalya High School, concerning its history and statue, is city’s
one of the important historical and social symbols. It is an important heritage that must be
protected and maintained, since it reflects the cultural, social and architectural features of its
Within the scope of the study, some examples of the historical training facilities, which
have the similar statue in our country, are investigated to reach a general evaluation and within
the sample area the study is detailed. The historical development of the investigated structure
and its today’s position are investigated with environmental structures, and suggestions are made
for protection – use – assessment. Analysis of the current situation is reinforced with the
pedestrian counts and observational rapid assessment methods applied to structures and both
quantitative and qualitative data could be reached for the study base. An evaluation was made
for probable actions that aim the protection and survival of the urban and structural development
within the historical process. When a further step is to be thought of this study, which is made
with parcel scale, it should not be forgotten that this study will serve as an intermediate product
for future evaluation and conversion studies on urban scale with the context of Urban Planning. |
en_US |