This research focuses on the integration of D365 Dynamics Business Central, a widely-used
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, with another system. The goal is to understand
the difficulties and discover best practices associated with this integration. The study employs
a qualitative research approach to gain a deeper insight into the experiences and viewpoints of
professionals engaged in such integration projects. Integration plays a vital role for
organizations aiming to simplify their operations and achieve a unified perspective of their
business processes. However, the integration process comes with notable challenges related to
technical aspects, data alignment, system compatibility, and organizational expansion.
Additionally, ensuring data security and scalability are crucial considerations to establish a
robust integration solution.
The results of this study add to what we already know by emphasizing the key difficulties faced
during the integration process. These difficulties include problems with making different
systems work together and the necessity for effective communication and collaboration among
different parties involved. By shedding light on the challenges and effective approaches related
to integrating D365 Dynamics Business Central with another system, this research provides
valuable insights for organizations tackling similar projects. The practical suggestions drawn
from this study can steer decision-making and help organizations navigate the intricacies of the
integration process, ultimately resulting in more efficient and effective integration results.