Microscopy technology is the focus of much research today. Many reserarches
are currently working on the challenge to provide alternative microscopy technology
that provides the same quality as professional and expensive microscopes. In this
study I have worked with bright field microscpoy technique that stands out as an
alternative to nanofiber observing. Bright field microscopy is the simpliest of all the
optical microscopy illumination techniques. Sample illumination transmits the white
light and the contrast in the sample is caused by attenuation in dense area of the
sample. The single lens microscope can capture quality images with respect to
specific parameters such as magnification, field of view, contrast and working
distance. The captured image contains object waves, and a high quality image is
achieved by implementing a reconstruction algorithm. In this thesis for experiment
and measurements real equipments are used such as LED, laser, microscope and
nanofiber to monitor the zeolites that are in nanofiber.