The rapid growth of the population has impacted various urbanization challenges in Tirana, the capital city of Albania. One major problem is the pollution and management of the waste of this overcrowding. The current waste management system is believed to fail constantly since architecture and urban planning aren’t involved during the design thinking process. The goal of this study is to propose solutions and interventions in a multiscale approach. The multilevel includes the macro level which belongs to the city level, the meso level which belongs to the neighborhood level, and the last level which is the micro-level, which belongs to the zoomed-in part, the building itself. This research has followed an integrative methodology, where the social and physical investigation are mixed together with the best practices, otherwise known as case studies. These are made possible with the usage of software like QGIS, AutoCAD, Illustrator, and 3D Visualizers. An important key part of this research paper is the representation of the current chaotic state, what causes it and how can us intervene to prevent this problem. It explains some interventions in a current city, neighborhood, and building.