Appraising the teachers to assess their strengths and weaknesses is needed toprovide them with specific professional development opportunities based on theseweaknesses. Appraisals and professional development can be done in many waysbut a method that is deemed more suitable to the Kindergarten thru 12th gradeeducational institutions will be discussed within this study within the context ofmentorship program, which may be considered for Balkan countries given thehistory of education in Balkans.Professional development has two major components; first professionaldevelopment days that include collective in-service programs and attendingworkshops individually at approved outside educational institutions and secondmentorship program.As a major area of focus in this study, mentorship program as an ongoingprofessional development activity of especially that of interns, first year teachers,inexperienced teachers and teachers in need of assistance is discussed within thesubtopics of selection of mentors and trainees, action plan and timeline for mentors,and assessing the trainees. The observational instruments that the mentors arerecommended to use to assess the trainees and teacher performance principles thatthe mentors base their assessments using these observational instruments arethoroughly discussed within the study.