The world economy in recent years has suffered its biggest blow, even from the timeof global depression, impact that severely damaged the developed and developingcountries around the world. The world financial crisis, at first, has emerged in theU.S., as a mortgage crisis wherefrom, has spread to other parts of the world and inMacedonia, as well, evolving into severe economy crisis, reflected through drasticdecline in GDPs worldwide, and occurrence of world recession. To analyze theimpact of the global financial crisis, on the Macedonian banking sector, it isnecessary, first to analyze the structure of the financial markets and intermediariesin the Republic of Macedonia, through the aspect ratios of good and bad loans, theratio of financial intermediation, the linkage of the Macedonian banks with globalinvestment banks, ratios of capital adequacy of the banks, the usage of structuredcredit financial instruments or derivatives and the development of secondary capitalmarkets in the Republic of Macedonia. Finally, it is necessary to analyze the impactof the global economic crisis on the Macedonian real estate sector through thestructure of foreign trade, the structure of Macedonian import and export, and therates of unemployment and production. The basic purpose of this paper is to presentand explain the impact of global financial and economic crisis on the Republic ofMacedonia, and to suggest some alternative solutions to overcome the negativeconsequences.