Since it is recently noticed that probability methods are being a vital part of theengineering design, in this article are taken into account two different methods such asProbability Based Design (PBD) and Eurocode 7. Both of these methods are based uponreliability design but each of them expresses this concept in different ways.In Probability Based Design, reliability (R) is strictly related to probability of failure(Pf). So, to define the value of reliability using Probability Based Design, it is initially neededto assess the value of probability of failure through statistical calculations. Reliabilitycalculations provide a means of evaluating the combined effects of uncertainties and a meansof distinguishing between conditions where uncertainties are particularly high or low.Eurocode 7 is a commonly used method which introduces the reliability design conceptin calculations through the usage of the partial coefficients (γ) using three design methods.To compare these methods, in this article is represented the detailed calculation of twocase studies related to slope stability analysis using each of the methods separately. Theresults drawn by these methods are then combined together and interpreted in order to retrievethe conclusions. Both of these methods are found to be able to give satisfying results.