This paper deals with computerization of the analogue data on the seismicityin Albania by developing a database. Since ancient time Albania has beenpermanently affected by earthquakes, even though their magnitude has not beenmaximal. Albania is considered to be in the group of European countries withhigher number of earthquakes per time unit. The release of the earthquake energyhas mostly happened through micro-earthquakes (M<3.0), weak earthquakes(3.0<M<5.5) and the ones of middle magnitude (5.5<M<7.0). Earthquakes with amagnitude of 7.0 have been very rare, the intensity at the epicentre being 10. Theseismic hazard can be determined by applying both deterministic and probabilisticmethods. This paper deals with the probabilistic method which uses the statisticaldistribution in a region based on the earthquakes having occurred in the past. Such amethod provides evaluations of probabilities for various intensity levels. Thedatabase to be prepared will serve to digitize the parameters that describe theseismic activity in Albania. It will use the existing material which has been recordedby the analogue seismological network of Albania. The information whichaccompanies the earthquakes includes, date and exact time, geographic coordinates,depth to the focus/hypocenter, magnitude (Richter), intensity and epicentre. Thedatabase allows the data to be edited and searching in accordance with the user's needs. It will determine the earthquake characteristics for a certain administrativeunit, characteristics according to the magnitude, classifying them as micro-earthquakes,weak and mid-intensity ones, or according to coordinates, focus depth,intensity etc. The database will be accompanied with reports which will reflect these ismicity for the entire Albania for a certain period of time, the earthquakedistribution according to the magnitude, the earthquake frequency graphs etc. It willalso serve as a basis for additional new information and its linkage with othersoftware of the system. This database will contribute to have a better judgment onthe seismic activity in Albania and expectations on future events.