There has been a lot of efforts from researchers lately to deploy alternativetransports protocols and mechanisms on providing better packet ordering anddelivery semantics. The current development of Internet and Streamingtechnologies suggests that there is a clear need for such alternatives to TCPTransport Protocols. Structured Streams Transport protocol(SSTP) is a newtransport abstraction introduced lately on ACM and it is based on a differentapproach compared to other alternative transports. Main objective of SSTP is toenhance the TCP's byte stream abstraction to permit high level applications to usecontinuous byte streams in larger numbers easily and more efficiently. SST is stillin an early experimental stage and the aim of this study is to develop a new modulefor this Protocol so it can be simulated and tested on the mostly used scientificnetwork simulator in NS2. By implementing the module in NS2, we can simulatemany aspects of this protocol and fine-tune it before we implement it on high levelapplications.