The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of the students' disruptivebehavior and other factors in the school context on the teachers' stress. For this purposea survey based descriptive research was conducted with 540 basic education teachers.The instrument used was a structured questionnaire which was comprised of four scalesfor measuring teacher stress, students' disruptive behavior, time pressure and workload,relations with school principal and relations with colleagues. Pearson product-momentcorrelation coefficient was used to determine the direction and the strength of there lationships between the teachers' stress and the stress related factors. Standard multipleregression was used to determine the amount of variability on teachers' stress explainedby the independent factors involved in the study.The study findings indicated low to substantial correlations between teachers' stress,students' disruptive behavior, time pressure and workload, relations with school principaland relations with colleagues. Students' disruptive behavior, time pressure and workloadand relations with school principal were found to be significant predictors of teachers' stress.Relations with colleagues were not found to be a significant predictor of teacher stress.