This research analyzes the structural differences and similarities between different kinds of English negation and their Albanian correspondents. These dissimilarities and similarities are regarded as one of the causes of difficulties that the Albanian EFLclassroom learners may encounter while learning the different types of English negation.With an effort to raise teachers' awareness of possible errors that Albanian EFL learners may produce when acquiring different negative forms, the language transfer is noticed.Therefore, Odlin (1989) clearly notes that language transfer plays an important role insecond language acquisition.The contrastive analysis has been carried out on the data on English negation collected from fictional discourse and their translation correspondents into Albanian. Inaddition, the study also involves the error analysis of a test given to 80 Albanian speakingstudents of "Pance Popovski" high school in Gostivar, in the year 2012.The results obtained from the error analysis (Cowan, 2008) reflect on the difficulty of learning that EFL Albanian learners encounter while acquiring certain English negative forms.