The massification of the higher education; the form of organization of Albaniancompanies, where most of them are micro and small enterprises; as well as the necessity tocompete in a market which is becoming more globalized and where the new technologiesinnovate products and services raise the requirement to include in the universitycurricula, beyond the economic and engineering sciences, subjects closely associated withentrepreneurship, business start-up, managing a business during the first years and draftingof a simple growth and marketing plan (Drucker, 1985). The European Commissionprograms and directives, as well as the European experience with entrepreneurshipeducation, is elaborated in this study, aiming to present the current situation of ouruniversities and to represent the need to set up entrepreneurship chairs and businessincubators in them. Entrepreneurship education requires identifying strategies thatintegrate universities, businesses and public institutions, so that the resulting output of thecollaboration would be the innovation and the success of business enterprises in market, aswell as diminishing unemployment rates and achieving economic growth for the country.