In the XXI century when the pendulum has reached its max height in the individualfreedom, society feels a need to raise its awareness one step further in its overall social andcultural development. Emergence of new values makes keeping society from falling apartharder than ever before. A special care should be given to education, physical health andespecially, mental health.Counseling psychology and guidance services play an important role in this viewbecause they define and increase structural factors of human activity and through itpromote positive mental health. Such services help intra and inter-individual relations ofhuman life, which are reflected in the wellbeing of a society.Our study is an attempt at researching the impact of counseling psychology andguidance services in Kosovar society, especially within Prizren region. Introduction of suchservices within a system of education that aims at uncovering all the hidden potentials ofeach and every individual, who will be more productive and useful to society, is an attemptworth taking.