Class management, a modern term which implies class discipline is also one ofthe most important factors in Class management, a modern term which implies classdiscipline is also one of the most important factors in education (Yisrael 2012). A transferfrom the old way of teaching into student-centred teaching has also changed the role ofa teacher in education process. Accordingly, he is now more of a person who should helplearners learn how to gain knowledge rather than give them the ready-made knowledge(Yisrael 2012). Therefore, a successful lesson is not only subject to a way of planning alesson but also a way of managing a class.Very little research is done in this field within the education system of youngteachers (Yisrael 2012) in Prizren region and there is an assumption that they will learn thisthrough their personal experience. Because of this, teachers find themselves in a difficultposition when they begin work at schools, which influences the quality of teaching. Noviceteachers find themselves filled with negative feelings of self-suspicion, extreme wearinessfollowed with a low motivation for work (Yisrael 2012). This study presents a ways noviceteachers can successfully begin to manage a class.