The first formal constitutions were created by “fathers” aiming at the eternity and un-changeability of the constitutional text. The constitutional practice and history told us that a constitution cannot be definitive and it cannot resist to the evolution and changes of the society. The possibility of the constitutions to be adapted to the new needs and requests of the social and political evolution is assured through the special provisions for the respective revision. Thus, the “formula” for the realization of the constitutional revision is the key that guarantees the sustainability of the constitution, and, in the same time, its evolution in relation to the socioeconomic changes. They preview the formal procedures that should be adopted in order to realize the future constitutional changes.
This article stresses that the special formulas of the constitutional revision give a way, through which the fathers of the constitutions give the possibility to the future generations to adopt the constitution to their needs; but they also constitute the possibility for them to influence these changes and an effort to make sure that the “sons” can be the same as the “fathers”.